
Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericologyの電子ジャーナル化に伴う冊子体発行の終了について

2024-02-27 16:58:55

日本蚕糸学会 会員各位


さて、当学会の英文誌「Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology(JIBS)」は、平成13(2001)年、「日本蚕糸学雑誌」[昭和5(1930)年創刊]から英語論文のみを掲載する雑誌として誕生し、Volume 70 Number 1(February 2001)を初刊として、22年にわたり冊子体で発行してまいりました。2010年からは、科学技術振興機構の「J‒STAGE」で閲覧可能となり、会員の皆様の利便性が担保されております。

そこでこの度、JIBS Volume 92 Number 3(October 2023)をもって冊子体での発行を終了し、電子ジャーナルとしてオンラインで提供することにいたしました。これにより、ページ作成費が軽減されて掲載料をこれまでより安価に設定でき、著者の負担が少しは軽くなるため、投稿数の増加が期待されます。また学会といたしましても、冊子体郵送に係る費用負担も削減されることとなります。冊子体に親しんでこられた会員の皆様にはご不便をおかけしますが、Volume 93 Number 1からは「J‒STAGE」で閲覧ください。


一般社団法人 日本蚕糸学会 
会 長 池田 素子
JIBS編集委員長 青木 智佐

Thank you very much for your usual cooperation in the activities of the Society.

"Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology (JIBS)" was born in 2001 as a journal that publishes English articles separated from the "The Journal of Sericultural Science of Japan" (first published in 1930). JIBS Volume 70 Number 1 (February 2001) was the first issue, and it has been published and distributed as a booklet for 22 years. Since 2010, it has also been available on-line via J-STAGE of the Japan Science and Technology Agency, ensuring convenience for all members. In recent years coupled with the coronavirus pandemic, however, the number of submitted manuscripts has decreased significantly, making it extremely difficult to publish the journal regularly with a sufficient number of articles. Furthermore, in the current economic situation, the financial management of the society is becoming increasingly challenging.

Accordingly, we have decided to end print publication after the 2023 volume of JIBS and provide it on-line as an electronic journal from Volume 93 Number 1. This will reduce page creation costs and allow publication fees to be set lower than before, which may ease the burden on authors and is expected to lead to an increase in the number of manuscript submissions. For the Society as well, the cost burden associated with mailing booklets will also be reduced. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to members who are familiar with the printed journal, but from Volume 93 Number 1 onwards, please view the electronic ones on J-STAGE.

We would deeply appreciate all members for their kind understanding and cooperation.

Sincerely yours,

Motoko Ikeda, President
Chisa Yasunaga-Aoki, Editor-in-Chief, JIBS
The Japanese Society of Sericultural Science


